Guest reviewing
News today is that I have a guest review of Sleep is Death on Game People. Game People is a site aimed at providing intentionally anecdotal and subjective game reviews from different types of people. So, I fit in there and am intending to write more reviews for them in the future. This will (and has been) impacting my post frequency here, but isn't the death of my blogging by any means.
Sleep is Death was a strange game, and I'm feeling a bit mixed about my review of it. That is perhaps appropriate, since I was also pretty mixed about playing it. I'm very glad not all games require quite so much work from me.
I'm not used to having an editor, so it feels a bit odd reading occasional altered sentences and slightly different emphasis. I can certainly benefit a lot from editorial input, but it will take some getting used to. I have been enjoying myself, though, and it's always nice to get some recognition and be invited to write something.
Nice review. Handing over the creative element to the gamer or another player is a strange one for me. Primarily as a writer I tend to have certain modes in which I create that probably don't fit well within any given prescribed toolset, but that's an advantage in a way. It's the art and skill of working within limitations to create something amazing and so I respect anyone who gives Sleep is Death a solid attempt and gets good at it.
Your D'n'D skills and habits probably work against you as much as they do for you as you may naturally pursue ideas that the tabletop structure easily facilitates, but then the same dynamic applies; with a bit of practice you could probably hone your skills to suit Sleep is Death in wonderful ways.
As someone way too particular about what and how I write and play, I'd probably fail dismally at it.
Good luck with your writing in the future!
Thanks Wall. I agree it's difficult to be creative in a new format with its own limitations. I was out of my comfort zone and probably didn't make the most of it, but have every respect for people who do embrace those tools.