Shallow Depths
This is a bit annoying, I realise, but the longer I put it off the more annoying it's going to be.
I'm currently in the process of consolidating some of my online identities. As part of this I'm rebranding this blog, including a URL change. I assume RSS users will also need to resubscribe.
I began this blog largely to avoid spamming my real life friends with a lot of game talk. It's my small and self-indulgent playground (and probably always will be), but it has also gathered a little more interest than I expected.
I've begun to work harder at my writing, and become more aware of game-journalists worth admiring. Suddenly it seems like I should have put a bit more thought into this blogging and where it fits into my life and other projects.
I am definitely a personal blogger at heart. My core audience are myself and my friends. Maybe I can also build new friendships -- that's always nice. So, it's time to ditch the silly name and embrace... what may still be a silly name, but I like it so I don't care. More importantly, I feel it.
New URL:
Shallow Depths is something I've been trying to work out how to be for the last year or two. An artist, blending meaning and triviality; safety and fear. I think it's time to stop working it out and just be that anyway.